
In addition to her free YouTube tutorials, Julia offers exclusive pay-to-view video tutorials here on her site. The tutorials come in three primary forms: Julia’s classes specifically recorded in studio and edited for sale here; Julia’s previously recorded classes once taught elsewhere; and classes taught by guest experts to guide decorating challenges on Julia’s community-site Cookie Connection. In all cases, you get forever-access to the recordings as well as extensive technique tips, sources, and recipes that go above and beyond Julia’s free YouTube content. But that’s not all! If you want more personalized coaching or instruction, Julia also offers one-on-one video mentoring sessions via her Skillshare (formerly Superpeer) platform. Peruse her offerings here, and choose the style and duration of instruction that work best for you! And do stay tuned – she is always adding new tutorials to this library.

Halloween Bundle: 3-D Coffin/Skeleton and Tombstone Cookie Tutorials

Original price was: $60.00.Current price is: $48.00.

Airbrushing-Stenciling Intensive Bundle: Parts 3 and 4

Original price was: $100.00.Current price is: $85.00.

Creative Embellishments (Part 4 of 4-Part Course)


Advanced Stencil Designs (Part 3 of 4-Part Course)


Shaping and Covering 3-D Cookies with Julia – Part 2


Shaping and Covering 3-D Cookies with Julia – Part 1


3-D Heart Box Cookie Tutorial


3-D Stenciled Ornament Cookie Tutorial


Beautiful Bows with Delorse Sword


Guest Series: Techniques Bundle #1

Original price was: $120.00.Current price is: $96.00.

Stenciled Royal Icing Transfers with Manu Pezzopane


Ruffle Borders with Noriko Forster


One-on-One Mentoring Session (1 Hour)


One-on-One Mentoring Session (30 Minutes)
