First, an important update! In case you didn’t catch last week’s post, the entry submission deadline for this year’s competition has moved to October 15, 2022. I’ve had some unforeseen personal matters come up – not the least of which is my mom moving to St. Louis as early as September – that are going to prevent me from overseeing the judging process at the original time. The good news is: the extended deadline gives everyone a little more time to create and to increase their odds of capturing a portion of the awesome $19,000 in prizes that our sponsors have donated. Mention of sponsors is the perfect segue into the core subject matter of this post – a tribute to our gold sponsors – but I am going to digress once more with another important update . . .
If you registered prior to August 23, the links to the online event page on Eventbrite, where the links to upload entries are contained, were incorrect in your reg confirmation emails. (They directed to last year’s page.) All registrants were emailed the correct confirmation email with the correct upload links on August 23, so please check your email (and email junk box) for a message from me that came via Eventbrite. I am so sorry for any confusion this oversight may have created, but the links will be correct in all reg confirmation emails going forward. And I am only an email away ( if you ever have any questions about registering or uploading your entries.
I should add that all registrants really should look at the upload links and the submission requirements documents (which mirror the content in the upload links) as soon as possible. Links to the latter are at the very end of this post. They tell you exactly what you’ll need to submit, including some work-in-process photos that you’ll want to capture as you’re creating.
Okay, updates aside, it’s time to cast the spotlight once again on our sponsors! You met all 17 of them in an earlier post and can always find them on our dedicated sponsor page, but I wanted to give a special shout-out to those 10 companies that went above and beyond by donating to our highest of levels. I am ever so grateful to them for supporting the competition’s goals of showcasing the talent within our community and expanding the skills and techniques that define cookie art. I encourage you to visit these companies’ sites and shops (links below) and to share this post widely to show your appreciation!
And so, without further ado, I shower our 2022 Gold Sponsors with all of my gratitude and affection :
Thanks again to our entire wonderful team of 17 sponsors! The $19,000 in prizes would never have been possible without each and every one of them. (Pssst! It’s never too late to join this impressive group. If you’re interested in sponsoring the 2022 competition, please check out the 2022 Sponsorship Offering or drop me an email at
Whether you’re a sponsor or a competitor, don’t forget to follow the competition category in my blog to get all of our competition updates hot off the press. If you intend to enter, please read the Competition Overview for the schedule and rules, and then register early on Eventbrite. You must register before you can submit an entry, and you can’t see the entry forms without registering. Plus, I would personally appreciate getting an early read on the number of entries we will likely have to judge – it would help immensely with planning the judging process.
Lest you forget any key link, they are all summarized below and are at the end of every past competition blog post.
Again, please email me or comment below if you have any questions. It’s best not to leave questions for me on social media, as I miss them all too often in the clutter there. Thank you.
- Registration on Eventbrite (DO IT EARLY! LIKE NOW!)
- 2022 Sponsor Page
- 2022 Sponsorship Offering
- 2-D Cookie Submission Requirements
- 3-D Cookie Submission Requirements
- Follow All Competition News on Julia’s Blog