Hi, all, my stencil life is finally kicking back into high gear after finally signing a new contract in June, six months after starting the contract renegotiation with my partner . . . (what a process). This means I was recently able to begin development of my new JULIA-brand stencil-and-cutter kits. They will now have a video component along with the stencils and cutters that will allow you to make both 2-D and 3-D projects with these same tools. In fact, I’ve just completed the design of the first three kits, so I’ll have my nose to the grindstone over the next couple of months with testing them and making all of the cookies needed for an end-of-August video shoot. If all goes as planned, the first of these kits should launch in mid-September, just in time for Halloween. I’m pretty excited about these kits . . . if I do say so myself, the morphable 2-D-to-3-D concepts are pretty clever, and the range of tools in each kit means there’s tons of design versatility. I hope you love them as much as I loved designing them for you!
While you wait expectantly for these kits (or so I hope ), I’ll be showering you with stencil sales over the next few weeks. Many are in the form of quick pop-ups so you’ll want to be on high alert! Mark your calendars, because here are the first two pop-ups . . .
From July 15 to 17, get 10% off my summertime Beach Cabana Dynamic Duos™ sets using code CABANADUOS10 at checkout. Please SHOP HERE, as this is my affiliate link. I earn a small referral fee on sales via this link, which is the only way I can continue to bring stencils and cutters to you. TIA!

And then, from July 23 to 25, my Christmas in July sale is back by popular demand. SHOP HERE (again, my affiliate link), and get 25% off Christmas stencil purchases of $50 or more by using code XMASJULY2 at checkout. This offer applies to any Christmas stencils on my partner Confection Couture Stencils’ site – my designs or theirs.

Enjoy, and, please stay tuned to the “Promotions” section of this blog for future sale announcements.