Christmas Stocking Kit
My second kit is out, and well in advance of the holiday for which it’s intended, so you’ll have plenty of time to play with it! Yay! (For a reminder of how my new Kitchen Club came about, please refer to my club debut post from September.) This kit is particularly enchanting because it allows you to make cookies that double as Christmas décor and/or party favors. And you know what that means?! Yep, less time and money spent making or buying the latter, and more precious moments with family and friends.
The simplicity of this kit’s name, Christmas Stocking, definitely belies the richness and variety of designs that you can achieve with it. As always, this kit consists of one of my two-set Dynamic Duos™ stencil designs, up to three cutters (one in the 2-D kit bundle; three in the 3-D kit bundle), and an optional instructional video.

You’ll see a preview of the instructional video below, but, for now, suffice it to say that it spares no detail. It reveals every step involved in making both 2-D and 3-D stockings with this kit. Yes, you read that right! The various kit bundles give you the ultimate flexibility to choose just the right tools to suit your skill level, time, and budget. Choose a 3-D kit (with or without video) to create stockings that will view beautifully from all angles, and that can be filled with candies and hung by your chimney (or wherever!) with care. Or go for a 2-D kit (again, with or without video), and make countless wonderful, albeit flatter, designs just by mixing and matching different elements in the stencil sets. Or unbundle the kits further if you only want a subset of the items in them. For instance, the stencils and cutters can be bought separately on my partner’s site, and the instructional video can also be bought under the “VIDEO TUTORIALS” section of this site.
More on the topic of flexibility! You can buy my kits on occasion, or you can opt into my club and get great savings on my kits and other products on, my partner’s site, as long as you continue purchasing kits. Joining my club is a breeze as well: simply purchase any kit on, and your membership begins immediately. For more details about my Kitchen Club and its benefits, jump to the bottom of this post.
Now, back to the matter at hand: this month’s kit! Want to see what you can make with it? I thought you might, so I prepped this short style reel for you that shows 3-D stockings, 2-D stockings made with just the background stencil set, and 2-D stockings made with both stencil sets in the kit. I am not exaggerating when I say that this kit can create too many designs to count – this video is proof-positive.
Up next is the following video, which gives a sneak peek into this kit’s companion instructional video. The full-length (one-hour) companion video shows exactly how to make many of the cookies featured in the above style reel, but it also covers 12 cookie cutting, decorating, and assembly techniques that can be applied to cookies of any type, and for all occasions. Again, this video can be purchased either in a kit with stencils and cutters on Confection Couture Stencils’ site or on its own on this site.
Now, as I said earlier, you can buy my kits as often as you want, but if you remain an active purchaser (and thereby club member), you’ll get all of the perks listed in the next section.
Club Membership and Benefits
- To opt into Julia’s Kitchen Club and become an active member, simply purchase any kit bundle offered at the time of each release. (Releases will come five times per year.) Purchasing a kit enrolls you in the club’s active member list and gives you all of the associated membership benefits listed directly below.
- As an active club member, you will automatically be notified of upcoming kit releases and be able to pre-order future kits at an exclusive discount prior to anyone else! If you decide to pass on a kit selection, you will still have a chance to buy future kits and rejoin the club, but you will not get the pre-order option or the exclusive pre-order discount until you rejoin.
- Active club members will also receive a 15% discount on any stencil or cookie cutter on Confection Couture Stencils’ site, not just my products.
- You will remain an active club member until you pass on a kit offering. At the time of each release, it’s your choice as to whether you would like to stay active or opt out.
Where to Sign Up and Shop
Please note that my partner Confection Couture Stencils handles all order fulfillment for my stencils, cutters, and kits, so all such questions should be directed to them at
Merry (early) Christmas! But don’t worry – the Christmas gift-giving season is just getting started here in Julia-land. Stay tuned for my second Christmas kit release coming in November!