In case you missed the choice tidbit that I slipped into my earlier post this week with Stacy Frank’s video, here it is again! Drum roll, please . . .
Thanks to the recent addition of a couple of wonderful Gold Sponsors, the total prize pot for Julia M. Usher’s Cookie Art Competition™ is now $14,000 – with $8,000 being cash.

Wow! My sincerest gratitude goes to all of my sponsors for making this year a record-breaking one – we’ve eclipsed last year’s donations by about 40 percent. Again, this wealth will be divvied amongst just six winners (first, second, and third in the 2-D and 3-D cookie categories), with extra going to our Kerry Vincent Best in Show honoree!

I hope this new info will spur you to register if you haven’t already. While I am encouraging early registrations (like now!) to help me with the planning process, there is still plenty of time to enter, as entries aren’t due until October 15. If I’ve piqued your interest, be sure to check out the Competition Overview post with all the rules and regs before registering to enter on Eventbrite.
I know I speak for all of my (illustrious) judges when I say we can’t wait to see what you create!

So . . . what are you waiting for?! Bring it, people! You’ve got nothing to lose, and all to gain. Check out the key competition links below.
- Competition Overview (Read before you register!)
- Register Now on Eventbrite
- Follow All Competition News