Wow! I know, my 2022 cookie art competition was just put to bed, but we’re already on to the next one! Because my competition returns to an in-person format at That Takes the Cake (TTTC) Show at the end of March, planning your entries can’t start soon enough! Take a look at the rules in the first link below, and put a stake in the ground by registering now (second link below)! The theme is International Holidays, which provides a ton of creative freedom! More info about prizes will be coming in the new year, but I expect them to be as grand, or grander, than the $20,000 that was awarded in 2022!

P.S. Note that all rules and registration forms are once again housed on the TTTC site as they were in the year prior to the competition being online. However, I will continue to post competition updates and announcements in the competition news section of this blog, so be sure to follow it if you plan to compete in 2023!