Blog: January 5, 2014

Need one of Julia’s foolproof recipes? Some stunning cookie decorating ideas? Or a quick fix on Julia’s latest news and events? Well then, you’re in the right place! Here, you can stay up-to-the-minute current on everything that’s happening in Julia’s kitchen and studio – and in that always-churning mind of hers! IMPORTANT: Julia is still formatting blog entries prior to 2021 to conform to the new site layout. Please don’t be surprised if some back entries look a little wacky, and please be patient as she edits them over time.
Julia M. Usher

How to Dip and Decorate Contoured Cookies

In this video, I show how I decorated the surfaces of my 3-D Christmas globe ornaments (assembled in this earlier video), but the same techniques can apply to almost any rounded cookie shape. First, I explain the differences between dipping in

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