Hi, everyone! This week, we’re hearing from Stacy Frank, aka The Frostitute and two-time winner of my 3-D competition category, about her cookie journey and why she thinks everyone should compete! (The Facebook live I had planned for this week was usurped by Stacy’s awesome video , but I hope to do it next week.)
If you’re still on the fence about competing, I’ll give you a couple of other good reasons to jump off it: (1) total prize value just increased to $14,000 (WOWZA!) and $8,000 of that is cash; plus (2) there’s still loads of time to enter. I encourage early registrations to help us plan the judging process, but entries don’t have to be uploaded until October 15, 2021. I hope you’ll join the fun and learning! After the video, you’ll find links to more info about the competition. Please also follow the competition category of this blog to get the very latest updates.
- Competition Overview (Read before you register!)
- Register Now on Eventbrite
- Follow All Competition News