Imagine my delight when I discovered this oatmeal cookie stout beer just in time for styling these Father’s Day photos! I couldn’t have asked for a more apropos prop! And, as it turns out, gingerbread tastes pretty darn good with a rich, creamy beer! Chocolate does too!

So why not pamper Dad this Father’s Day with this same duo?! My stencils make the cookie part easy! From May 14 to May 27, get 10% off my World’s Best Dad Dynamic Duos™ sets (my fave stencils for Dad, pictured here) and all other Father’s Day stencils on my partner Confection Couture Stencils’ site. Just shop the collection below, and use code JU252410 at checkout!

Note: As with all of the urls in all of my sales, the above “SHOP” url is an affiliate link, meaning I earn a small referral fee from any sales generated via it. I encourage you to use it, as referral fees help to keep me creating for you! TIA!